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This will show all blog headlines and dates of blog entries.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Licensure Officer / College of Ed


All "candidates" (meaning Business Education - Teacher Licensure students) applying for admission to Teacher Education will need to have a Background Check completed through Validity Screening Solutions OR a current (valid) Emergency Substitute License with the Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE).

Instructions on how to do the check are on the Application for Admission into Teacher Education.

Applications will not be processed without a completed background check!

Friday, October 21, 2011


On this date, October 21, 2010, Dr. Jim Rucker passed away after 2 year battle with cancer.

Dr. Rucker taught at the Junior High and High School levels, as well as, Post-Secondary, prior to joining the faculty at FHSU in the 1980's. While at FHSU, he won a number of awards and was the Chair of the Accounting and Information Systems.

Dr. Rucker was a fine man and an advocate for students and faculty. Everyday, I am reminded of the many things that he stood for and believed in. We will never forget his humor, dedication, or his presence in the classroom.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

From Kirk Haskins...

Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE) is excited to host its third and final Career Technical Education (CTE) Drive-In Workshop for 2011 on Monday, November 7 , 2011, Webster Conference Center, 2601 North Ohio, Salina, KS. Check-in will begin at 8:30 a.m., and our program will be from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Regardless of school size, properly developed career cluster pathways enable students to meet both graduation and career ready requirements. Learn how to integrate academics and CTE to benefit ALL students in this one day workshop.


-Best practices
-Articulation agreements
-Adding pathways
-Pathway updates
-Proficiency-based credit
-Rigorous Programs of Study (RPOS)

KSDE would also like to thank Kansas Association of Educational Service Agencies (KAESA) and other members for giving two discounted registrations to the">February Conference as door prizes. Winners will be announced at the conclusion of the Drive-In Workshop. (You must be present to win!)

Please share with others at your school. Administrators, counselors and teachers are welcome to attend. Fee for the workshop is $25 (includes lunch and materials). Registration is">online. Special assistance/needs should be sent to">Jessie Cornejo, KSDE.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Local Grocery Store

ABC News: Link to nice story about the school that the Business/Ag programs have started a local grocery store.

NBEA 2012 Conference Information

Each year, the National Business Education Association holds its "Annual Conference" in one of the NBEA Regions across the country. This year, the conference will be in Boston. In addition to NBEA, the teacher-education group (NABTE) hold a research conference prior to NBEA.

In addition, the student organization, Pi Omega Pi, holds its conference in conjunction with NBEA.

Something to be thinking about!

Check out the flyer.

ABC World News Tonight!

This came to me by way of an email chain...
The Agriculture and Business students at Leeton High School (just south of Warrensburg) operate a student run grocery store that opened in January 2009--the Bulldog Express. Far more than a mere school store, this is a community centered grocery that truly serves the town. It has drawn quite a bit of national attention and has been written up as a exemplary project in textbooks. This past week they were visited by ABC World News and Chris Cuomo. Chris and two producers were in Leeton from Monday through Wednesday taking many shots and interviews. The series will be "Bringing America Back" and will be aired sometime this week on the ABC Evening News with Diane Sawyer. The advisers just received word that the story is to air tonight at 5:30 on ABC World News Tonight.

I had the opportunity to see a presentation on their grocery store this summer and was quite impressed—it is wonderful to see this program receiving national attention.

They are also suppose to have a visit from CBS Early Show people sometime next week with a report to air probably the following week.

If you have a chance, tune in tonight at 5:30 on your local ABC affiliate.

Legislation Alert!


Alexandria, VA – As Congress considers how best to reauthorize the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, known as No Child Left Behind, Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) and Rep. Glenn Thompson (R-PA) have partnered to introduce important legislation to help more students become college and career ready.

The legislation, introduced today in the House as the “Education for Tomorrow’s Jobs Act,” and expected as an amendment next week during the Senate mark up of ESEA, would allow school districts to use Title I ESEA funds to better integrate academics with career and technical education (CTE) through coursework and networks of schools. The bill would encourage school districts to link secondary school programs, including both middle and high schools, and align secondary and postsecondary education. Further, the bill would leverage a variety of school, employer and community partners.

Click here to read more!

FAT Tuesday's with Kirk Haskins

Registration is now open for FAT Tuesday: Business Updates. On the first and third (FAT) Tuesday of month, Kirk Haskins, KSDE education program consultant – business, will share information on business education in Kansas via Microsoft Office Live Meeting with teleconference audio. October 18th session will be 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. The remaining dates are

October 18 (1:00 – 2:00 p.m.)
November 1 (3:00 – 4:00 p.m.)
November 15 (3:00 - 4:00 p.m.)
December 6 (3:00 – 4:00 p.m.)
From creating a new Career Pathway Program of Study Application (CPPSA) to maintaining a current CPPSA, these updates will benefit first time users and those that need a refresher on Kansas Business, Marketing and Management clusters. Each update will also include time for dialogue and questions concerning your school, district and area.

Please register at All sessions will be conducted via Microsoft Office Live Meeting with teleconference audio. After you register, directions for accessing Live Meeting will be sent via E-mail. Please direct questions regarding the Business Updates to and Live Meeting and registration questions to

Friday, October 14, 2011

Advisory Committee

We had a GREAT time visiting with our BUED Advisory Committee this evening.

Special thanks to: Diana Hart (Hill City), Shannon Kats (Logan), Lee Baldwin (Augusta), J.J. Milanovich (FHSU Online Student), Joe Jackson (Wichita High School East), and Shanna Zimmerman (Wichita High School East).

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

KSTL Student Competition

Jodi DeArmond (Chapman High School and a FHSU-BUED Alum) is now responsible for the Kansas Student Technology Leadership event held at that state university in Manhattan.... (I can't think of the name at the moment.---hahaha)

The competition is for middle school and high school students to show their technology/multimedia skills.

I have known Jodi for a long time, she is a true professional and truly committed to providing quality opportunities for ALL Middle School and High School students.

To be honest, I know some of our Alumni had bad experiences at KSTL in the past. I have NO DOUBT that Jodi will meet (and most likely exceed) your expectations for this event.

Please consider taking part, her contact information is below:

Jodi DeArmond
Business & Computers
Chapman High School

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Whether you are an experienced teacher or a teacher in-training, you Professional Development is essential. Start thinking Podcasts.

Historically, we relied on either traveling to a conference, reading Journals/magazines, listening to guest speakers, or taking a graduate level course that met in some sort of fashion throughout the semester to provide us with our professional growth opportunities.

Today, we have a wealth of information at our fingertips. I have started a list of Podcasts that I would highly encourage you to subscribe to and to listen to as a part of your personal professional development. Some will focus on administration, some on technology, and some on education. All in all, I believe these will help you build a more holistic view of education, while expanding your own horizons.

My Podcast List is directly below my reading list (Delicious). Both are located on the right side, above Victor E. Tiger.

Dr. Guyot and Research Team Win Award!

Dr. Wally Guyot (FHSU - BUED Program), Dr. Robert (Bob) Meier (FHSU - MIS Program) and Dr. Reggie Bell (Prairie View, TX) have been recognized for outstanding research.

A research project on Ethics, co-authored by the three, was recognized at last nights Business & Leadership Symposium, sponsored by Fort Hays State University.

Congratulations on a Job Well Done!

New Corporate Communications Faculty

After a year-long vacancy, we have completed a faculty search and have selected Dr. James Ward as a new faculty member in Business Education. Dr. Ward has an extensive background in US Foreign Service and most recently with Shell Oil where he was actively involved in both Training/Development, as well as, Corporate Communication.

Dr. Ward will be leading the expansion of the Corporate Communication concentration.

Dr. Ward will be arriving on campus Friday (October 14)!

FHSU Student Earns KBEA Scholarship

On Friday, we received notification from Gina Stanley (Seaman High School/KBEA Past President) that our very own Jessica Tormey will be receiving the KBEA Scholarship later this week.

Congratulations, Jessica!

Reading List

Frequently, I run across articles that I find interesting and think they might be of interest to Business Ed "types".

Using Delicious, I have created a link in the upper right corner of this blog to my "fhsubued" account, you can easily check my reading list out by using this link, or you can even "follow" me, if you have an account.

Seldom are these stories long, they all relate to education. Take some time to read through the items posted.

Monday, October 10, 2011

GREAT News - Bus Ed Students....

The Kansas Association of Education Service Agencies (KAESA) would like to extend a special invitation to undergraduate students in CTE Teacher Education programs interested in attending the Career & Technical Education Annual February Conference. This year’s conference is scheduled for February 7-8, 2012, at the Wichita Airport Hilton, 2098 Airport Road, Wichita, KS.

The conference will begin on February 7th with a keynote presentation from Robin Harris, Assistant Director for Careers, Standards & Assessment Services at the Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE). Robin will share the latest information on CTE in Kansas and at the national level.

Conference Breakout Sessions will include the following topics: CTE 101 A Basic Understanding of CTE in Kansas; Career Clusters & Programs of Study; Career Counseling; Kansas Career Pipeline; Teaching CTE Classes for Proficiency Credit in Academic Areas; Components of a Rigorous Program of Study (RPOS); Partnerships with Business & Industry; Registered Apprenticeship; Regional Advisory Committees; Articulation Agreements; End of Pathway Assessments; Wind Energy Education; and much more!

The normal conference registration rate is $160. CTE Teacher Education students will be provided a discounted rate of $80 to attend the full conference, or $40 to attend one day of the conference. Attached is a flyer with additional details and special registration codes to take advantage of the discounted rates.

We appreciate your assistance in sharing this opportunity with your students. Please contact with any questions.

Marie Hall, Martha Maxwell, Joe Ryan
KAESA CTE Annual February Conference Planning Team

Conference Brochure Link

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Scholarship Information - For HS Students

From the Desk of Kirk Haskins, KSDE Business Consultant

On behalf of our friends in Foreign Language Area, great opportunity for business students!

This is an announcement that was posted recently by the U.S. Department of State. Please pass the information on to your students. Thank you.

Youth Exchange Scholarships for U.S. High School Students
The U.S. Department of State announces scholarships for American high school students to study abroad:
The National Security Language Initiative for Youth (NSLI-Y) offers merit-based scholarships to U. S. high-school aged students for overseas study of seven critical foreign languages: Arabic, Chinese (Mandarin), Hindi, Korean, Persian (Tajik), Russian and Turkish. The NSLI-Y program is designed to immerse participants in the cultural life of the host country, giving them invaluable formal and informal language practice and sparking a lifetime interest in foreign languages and cultures. Applications for summer 2012 and academic year 2012-2013 programs are due November 3, 2011. Visit for more information.
The Kennedy-Lugar Youth Exchange and Study (YES) Abroad Program offers scholarships to American high school students to spend a semester or an academic year in Bosnia & Herzegovina, Egypt, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mali, Morocco, Oman, Thailand, and Turkey. This post 9/11 program focuses on increasing understanding between people in the U.S. and countries with significant Muslim populations. The application deadline is January 11, 2012. Visit the YES Program’s website for more information.

The Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange Program (CBYX) was established in 1983 to celebrate German-American friendship based on common values of democracy. Secondary school students live with host families, attend local schools, and participate in community life in Germany. Young professionals (undergraduates) and high-school graduates of vocational studies ages 18-24 study and participate in practical training. Scholarships are now available for academic year 2012-13. Prior German language skills are not required. For more information visit

The American Youth Leadership Program offers opportunities for American high school students and educators to travel abroad on a three- to four-week-long exchange program to gain first-hand knowledge of foreign cultures and to collaborate on solving global issues. Several different organizations implement this program, and each has organized an academic and experiential educational exchange focused on dialogue and debate, leadership development, and community service. Recruitment areas and application deadlines vary, so please check the American Youth Leadership Program website for more information.

sent by
Phyllis Farrar
Education Program Consultant
World Languages and ESOL (KELPA)
Careers, Standards, and Assessment Services

Monday, September 26, 2011

More News from KSDE

Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE) is pleased to announce several enhancements to its Career Technical Education (CTE) Pathways Program of Study Application Tracking and Management system, beginning 2012-13. These enhancements will improve the entering, accessing and reporting KSDE-CTE data.

The scheduled rollout of this new enhancement is Monday, October 3, 2011. As part of this rollout, KSDE-CTE will need to expunge any “in-progress” 2012-13 applications. Please inform your data entry users and other pertinent roles of this rollout date and action. All users will be able to benefit from these enhancements and enter their 2012-13 applications starting October 3, 2011.

KSDE-CTE staff will officially start reviewing pathway applications for SY2012-13 on Tuesday, November 15, 2011. The deadline for submitting a CTE pathway application for SY2012-13 is Thursday, March 15, 2012. As always KSDE-CTE consultants and staff are here to support your school in completing their pathway application. If you have any questions, please e-mail

From Kirk Haskins at KSDE

Registration is now open for FAT Tuesday: Business Updates. On the first and third (FAT) Tuesday of month, Kirk Haskins, KSDE education program consultant – business, will share information on business education in Kansas via Microsoft Office Live Meeting with teleconference audio. These sessions will be from 3:00 – 4:00 p.m. on the following dates:

October 4
October 18
November 1
November 15
December 6

From creating a new Career Pathway Program of Study Application (CPPSA) to maintaining a current CPPSA, these updates will benefit first time users and those that need a refresher on Kansas Business, Marketing and Management clusters. Each update will also include time for dialogue and questions concerning your school, district and area.

Please register at All sessions will be conducted via Microsoft Office Live Meeting with teleconference audio. After you register, directions for accessing Live Meeting will be sent via E-mail. Please direct questions regarding the Business Updates to and Live Meeting and registration questions to

Friday, September 23, 2011

Business Ed Scholarship

Dear College Professor:

The Kansas Business Education Association is offering two $500 scholarships to students pursuing a degree in business education. I would ask that you share this information with your students and encourage them to review the scholarship requirements and apply for the scholarship if eligible.

Attached you will find the application form, which outlines the requirements for the scholarship. The application form is also available online at by selecting the forms tab. In addition to the application form, the student must also submit an essay response to the question at the bottom of the form and an official transcript. At this time, I have only received one application from a paid student member. The application materials were originally due May 1, 2010, but I have extended the deadline to next Friday, September 30, so please encourage your students in completing this scholarship and joining KBEA.

One requirement of the scholarship is that the student be a member or student member of KBEA. If they are not currently a member, they may apply online at any time by going to and selecting the membership tab. Their payment needs to be received by 3 PM next Friday in order to be a paid member in good standing. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me via email at I look forward to receiving your students' applications! Please notify me if you have any interested student members! I will encourage them to complete the application and process!


Gina Stanley
KBEA Past-President

Link to Scholarship Application

Licensure Newsletter

Kerry Schuckman's Office recently released a newsletter for Education majors. Please take a moment to review the information she has provided!

Use this Link.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Teacher Leader Licensure Endorsement

Licensed educators who are functioning as teacher leaders and interested in achieving the new teacher leader licensure endorsement may be eligible to participate in a second pilot of the assessment.

The “T-Lead for Kansas,” a combined content and performance assessment, is being piloted again during this school year. If you are interested in being a part of this pilot, please check the eligibility and other requirements listed on

Questions may be directed to Lynn Bechtel,

FAT Tuesday's with Kirk Haskins

From Kirk's desk....

Registration is now open for FAT Tuesday: Business Updates. On the first and third (FAT) Tuesday of month, Kirk Haskins, KSDE education program consultant – business, will share information on business education in Kansas via Microsoft Office Live Meeting with teleconference audio. These sessions will be from 3:00 – 4:00 p.m. on the following dates:

September 20
September 20
October 4
October 18
November 1
November 15
December 6
From creating a new Career Pathway Program of Study Application (CPPSA) to maintaining a current CPPSA, these updates will benefit first time users and those that need a refresher on Kansas Business, Marketing and Management clusters. Each update will also include time for dialogue and questions concerning your school, district and area.

Please register at All sessions will be conducted via Microsoft Office Live Meeting with teleconference audio. After you register, directions for accessing Live Meeting will be sent via E-mail. Please direct questions regarding the Business Updates to and Live Meeting and registration questions to

KS Business Educators and Secondary Officials Don’t delay – Register for CTE - Drive-In Workshop 2011, Topeka, KS – Oct. 3 – TODAY!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

FREE Training Opportunity! (In Topeka)

Thinkfinity is the cornerstone of Verizon Foundation's Literacy, Education and Technology initiatives. This free, comprehensive digital learning platform is built upon the merger of two highly-acclaimed programs well-known to educators - the program formerly known as Verizon MarcoPolo and the Verizon Literacy Network. Thinkfinity, which means "endless possibilities for learning," is designed to improve learning in traditional settings and beyond the classroom by providing high-caliber content and
professional development needed to improve student achievement - anytime, anywhere, at no cost.
Training will be held September 29-30, 2011, at the Ramada Inn Convention Center in Topeka, Kansas.  Please visit to register. 


From KSDE Regarding Drive-In October 3 Workshop

From the Office of Kirk Haskins:

KSDE - Career and Technical Education

CTE Drive-In Workshop 2011

KSDE, Career and Technical Education, will be sponsoring a "Career and Technical Education Drive-In Workshop 2011" Monday, October 3, 2011 at the Topeka & Shawnee County Public Library, 1515 SW 10th Ave.,Topeka, Kansas 66604 from 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. (Registration and breakfast begin at 8:30 a.m.)

The purpose of this one-day workshop is to assist administrators, counselors and CTE/Academic teachers to implement quality career clusters/pathways that prepare students to meet graduation and career ready requirements. Regardless of school size, properly developed career cluster pathways enable students to meet both graduation and career ready requirements. Learn how to integrate academics and CTE to benefit ALL students in this one day workshop.

Deadline to register is Wednesday, September 15, 2011. For registration and workshop information -

KS Business Educators and Secondary Officials Don't delay - Register for CTE - Drive-In Workshop 2011, Topeka, KS - Oct. 3 - TODAY!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

KBOR Conference/Brustein to Present

As part of the annual KBOR Conference, the KBOR CTE staff is offering a special session on the Perkins Grant. The session, which will focus on Perkins IV, will be presented by Michael Brustein, Esq. Mr. Brustein is a founding partner of the firm Brustein & Manasevit, and is a nationally recognized authority on the federal delivery system for workforce and career / technical education. He has authored / coauthored numerous books on Perkins (I), (II) (III) (IV), and the Tech Prep Education Act. The session will be held on Tuesday, June 7th, from 1 - 5 pm, at the Ramada Inn Hotel in Topeka, and will include the following topics:

. Student Organization Activities: What can and cannot be paid for?
. Programs of Study: How many must be conducted?
. Accountability Sanctions: What happens after 3 years of less than 90% compliance?
. Tech Prep: What is the future under consolidation?
. Supplanting: How to avoid when state and local funds are reduced?
. Time/Effort Reporting: How many "cost objectives" must be reported under OMB Circular A-87?
. Match/MOE: What are the enforcement sanctions?
. Sub recipient Monitoring: Must it be on-site and can it be contracted out?
. Inventory Management: What is the funding threshold for "tagging"?
. Civil Rights: What obligations govern Perkins?

For answers to these questions, as well as comments from colleagues about Perkins implementation, don't miss this event!! There is no registration fee; however, if you are planning to attend, please notify either Mari Tucker at or 785-368-7109 or Kelly Russell at or 785-296-3958.


Mari Tucker
Associate Director for Career Technical Education
Kansas Board of Regents
1000 SW Jackson, Suite 520
Topeka, KS 66612-1368
Phone: 785-368-7109
Fax: 785-296-3957

From Kirk Haskins - Common Core Standards

Due to high interest we have added 2 new location/dates to the summer schedule (see below)!
June 21-22-Junction City 1 - Junction City Middle School - currently has a waiting list
**NEW June 23-24 Junction City 2 - Junction City Middle School
June 28-29-Wichita-South High School-currently has a waiting list
**NEW June 30-July 1 - Goddard - Eisenhower Middle School
July 7-8-Piper-Piper High School - currently has a waiting list
July 11-12-Iola-Iola High School
July 14-15-Hays-Hays High School
July 18-19-Garden City-Garden City High School
Important notes about locations:
Waiting Lists - We have no way of placing a part of an academy on a waiting list (e.g. 3-5 grade, classroom focus in math), so we have to place the entire location on a waiting list when any one grade level/focus/content area group gets high enrollment numbers that make it impossible for us to  accommodate any more in that group.  Once a location goes onto a waiting list, we periodically go through the registrations to see who can be changed from the "waiting list" to fully enrolled.  When we do this, everyone on the waiting list for that location receives an e-mail letting them know their current status.  This is important information to know right now, particularly as it relates to the Piper location, because we still have several openings in several groups at Piper, just not all of them.  So, do not hesitate to enroll on a waiting list for Piper - since there is a good chance you will get in if your grade level and content area is not full!  For the Junction City 1 and Wichita academies, we have already gone through the waiting lists at least once and moved several people to fully registered.  The people on waiting lists for these locations are truly awaiting changes in other people's enrollments in hopes that they could still get registered for these sites.  However, since we are adding another Academy in Junction City and in a surrounding Wichita district, Goddard, it would be important that you register for any of the two new sites as soon as possible.
Low Enrollment Possibilities - Please, keep in mind that any of these new sites, as well as the original six sites, that do not have sufficient enrollment to cover expenses may be cancelled.  So, if you are planning to attend one of the summer academies, the sooner you can get your enrollment submitted the sooner we can know for sure that there are enough participants to offer the academy for that location/date.  In the event that we have to cancel a location, we will make final determinations in plenty of time for registrants to still be able to find alternative sites.
General Summer Academy Information
DESCRIPTION: The academies will be 2 days of professional development around the Common Core State Standards (CCSS), focusing on implications for classroom practice and the transition from the now retired 2003 Kansas Standards to the new CCSS.  Within each content area, English Language Arts and Mathematics, participants will be divided by grade bands for teachers, with an additional group that looks at building/district transitional issues.  Each group will be limited to 25 participants and will have 2 presenters to maximize interaction. 
TIMES:  8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. (both days)
MATERIALS: Materials for the academy will be posted by June 1. It is expected that each participant will print the necessary materials and bring them or that they will bring a computer to access them.

COLLEGE CREDIT: College credit registration will be available onsite. Details will be posted by in the next few days.

CONTENT AREA: Each participant must pick ONE content area (Mathematics or Language Arts) for the duration of the academy. The nature of this professional development is such that each participant is focused on one content area during the entire academy. Individuals that wish to get information for both content areas might consider collaborating with other participants and/or attending additional academies.

SURVEY OF ENACTED CURRICULUM: Each teacher that registers to attend the Kansas Common Core Standards Summer Academy is expected to take the Survey of Enacted Curriculum beforehand. This survey asks questions about instructional practices in the classroom. The survey will help teachers to examine the alignment between what is taught in their classroom and the new and old standards. This survey can take from 90 - 120 minutes and does not need to be completed in one sitting. 

The registration fee includes breakfast and lunch each day.
Also on  under Upcoming KSDE-sponsored Events
Any questions can be directed to any of the KSDE staff listed below by calling (785) 296-1130 or (785) 296-3261 or by e-mail at:
David Barnes:
Matt Copeland:
Kris Shaw:
Matt Krehbiel:
Don Copeland:
Jeannette Nobo:

As next year's state budget nears completion, President Hammond discusses impact on FHSU

The Kansas Legislature may have broken the budget logjam for fiscal year 2012, which begins July 1, and Dr. Edward H. Hammond talked today about what the impact could be for Fort Hays State University.

First, though, he cautioned that the budget decision still was not final. "It's not over yet," he said. "The conference committee passed a compromise budget Wednesday night that now must be approved by the full House and the full Senate and then must go to Gov. Sam Brownback for his signature."

If the budget goes forward as proposed by the conference committee, it will mean a $1 million reduction in next year's FHSU budget from the current budget, "This cut will take us back to the level of state financial support that we had in fiscal year 2005," he said.

President Hammond said that with another $1 million in unfunded mandates, FHSU was actually facing a reduction of about $2 million. "We will lose about $570,000 to $600,000 in across-the-board cuts and the remainder in an assortment of specific smaller cuts," he said. "The other million dollars represents expenditures we are required to make but are not funded by the state, most notably a $606,000 increase in employer health insurance costs next year."

The reduction to the 2005 level of state support is especially difficult given the extraordinary growth at FHSU. The university had a fall enrollment of just over 9,000 in 2005. Next year FHSU will serve more than 12,000 students, an increase of 3,000, with that same amount of money.

"We can manage the challenges," he said. "Two years ago we implemented a number of efficiencies and made changes, such as significantly reducing summer school and moving to a four-day, 10-hour-a-day work week in the summer, that put us in position to deal with this latest reduction."

However, he quickly added, "We can't take more cuts."

President Hammond said his greatest immediate concern was the way classified employees were being treated. The Legislature, not university presidents, makes salary decisions for classified employees, who are the rank and file workers such as custodians and secretaries and physical plant laborers. By contrast, university presidents make final salary decisions for unclassified employees, who are the faculty and professional staff.

The budget that was passed out of the conference committee gives no raises to classified employees. Also, it cancels the fourth year of a five-year plan to upgrade classified employee salaries to market levels. Many classified employees received those adjustments over the past three years, but some were not scheduled to receive the adjustments until the next two years. In addition, the proposed budget adds a 2.5-percent surcharge to health care premiums of classified employees. "The surcharge will amount to about a $50 per year tax on each employee, but considering that they will not receive raises, it seems like a slap in the face," the president said. "They are being treated unfairly. Those making the least are the ones having their salaries cut."

With university budgets due next week, the staff at FHSU must work non-stop to make final decisions in light of the legislative action. And the president repeated that the state budget was not yet final.

Kent L. Steward
Director, University Relations
204 Sheridan Hall
Fort Hays State University
600 Park Street
Hays, KS 67601-4099

office: (785) 628-4208
cell: (785) 365-3478
fax: (785) 628-4152
home: (785) 625-8493

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Jones Recognized with Service Award for Spring

Wednesday, President Hammond, Provost Gould, Dean Bannister, Dr. Weisenborn, and the Mitch Weber (University Photographer) appeared in my classroom.

This semester (Spring, 2011) I was recognized with the Faculty Award for Service.

This is a huge honor, I am very flattered to have received it. I certainly appreciate Dr. Weisenborn for nominating me and for supporting me as I have taken on a variety of service activities.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

KCEE State Econ Challenge Winners

Congratulations to Maize High School for winning the Adam Smith division of the State Econ Challenge at Emporia State University.  Maize defeated Phillipsburg High School in an exciting final head to head competition.

- Salina South was the David Ricardo division winner, defeating a determined team from - Luke Bartz - Maize High School - was the highest scoring individual in the competition and received the Individual Economics Knowledge Award.
- Congratulations to all of you who made it that far.  We look forward to another exciting competition next year.

KCEE Personal Finance Literacy Challenge Winners

Congratulations to Blue Valley North High School for finishing 1st and 2nd in this year's State competition in the High School division. 

Congratulations should also be extended to Heidi Friedrich from Blue Valley for taking top individual honors and Blue Valley educator Allison Gossick for a fine job of preparing her charges.

The winner in the Middle School division was Iola as they defeated McLouth in the final round. Congratulations to Abigail Taylor of Iola as she was the top individual in the Middle School division. Congratulations to all who made it to Wichita for the State finals.  I hope you can all make it back next year.  (Except for the Seniors, that would be kind of weird.)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Business Economics Workshops

If your school is teaching Business Economics (12105), please consider send your educator to this workshop:

F.A.S.T. Start Economics Workshop 

F (Foundational) A (Applications) for S (Secondary) T (Teachers) Start: Business Economics is a workshop (June 8 - 9, 2011) designed to help Kansas teachers prepare for the new Business Economics course (12105) required in all business pathways.   Entrepreneurship instructors will be available to provide pedagogy guidance and to answer any questions related to Entrepreneurship.  This workshop is offered at NO COST to Kansas teachers thanks to sponsorship from the Fred C. and Mary R. Koch Foundation in partnership with the Kansas State Department of Education, Youth Entrepreneurs of Kansas, the six Kansas Centers for Economic Education and the Kansas Council on Economic Education. Teachers will walk away with many resources to help teach this course.
Join us this summer at one of the six of the Kansas Regents Universities:  ESU, FHSU, KSU, KU, PSU & WSU.  Speakers will be broadcast to all locations. 

There is no cost for teachers to attend this conference.  Continental breakfast and lunch are provided both days.  Teachers will also receive FREE educational resources.  Housing and transportation will not be provided.  This workshop requires a $25 refundable deposit that will be returned to you uncashed at the end of the workshop as long as you attend all sessions.  It is just to hold your space.  Spaces are limited.   Partial scholarships for graduate credit are available.  See graduate credit section below.

A copy of the new resource Virtual Economics 4.0 will be provided to each participant.  This interactive tool helps teachers understand the most important concepts in economics and personal finance and find the right lessons to teach them at your grade level. Search a database of over thousands of lessons by grade level, concept, Voluntary National Content Standard in Economics or your Kansas Economics standards. Then view and print the lessons you want. The glossary included puts over 500 economics terms and definitions at your fingertips.

Register on-line at http:
Questions contact  Angela Howdeshell   316-978-5183

Monday, March 28, 2011

BUED Requirements


Are you interested in the Testing Requirements for BUED?

How about the Background Checks?

What about obtaining your license?

All of those items have been addressed in a NEW, one-page handout!

Click here!

August Drive in Conference - Great Bend


KSDE, Career and Technical Education, is planning a jump-start to the FY 2012  school year by offering a "Career and Technical Education Drive-In Workshop 2011 opportunity.  The workshop will be held Monday, August 8, 2011 at the Highland Hotel and Convention Center, 3017 West 10th Street, Great Bend KS 67530, from 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.  The purpose of this one-day workshop is to assist administrators, counselors and CTE/Academic teachers  to implement quality career clusters/pathways that prepare students to meet graduation and career ready requirements.  This workshop will give participants the tools they  need to build and maintain successful career clusters/pathways!

To register for the workshop, go to the following link:  A block of 100 rooms has been reserved at the Highland Hotel and Convention Center.  The following information  has been provided by the hotel:

Rooms will be held until July 15, 2011. 

Arrival Date:  Sunday, August 7, 2011
Departure Date:  Monday, August 8, 2011
Room Rate:  $60 (Government Rate)
Taxes:  Room rate is subject to current applicable state and local taxes, which are presently at 13.05%.  With proper tax exemption forms, the rate is subject to local occupancy tax which is presently at 5%.
Reservation Procedure:  Call the Hotel Reservations department at 620-792-2431 or toll free at 866-212-7122.  To receive the contracted rate, participants will  need to identify the group name as KSDE Drive-In Workshop.  Reservations not made my July 15, 2011 will be honored on a space available basis.  Check in time begins at 4:00 p.m. and check out time is 11:00 a.m.  The room rate is quoted for 1 to 4 person occupancy.  Please no internet reservations as they will not reflect towards the room block and a higher rate may be charged.

Topics may include but are not limited to:  Rigorous Program of Study, Professional Learning Toolkit, Best Practices, Articulation Agreements, Assessment, Pathway Updates, and Proficiency-based Credit.

Kirk Haskins
Kirk Haskins, MBA, BA
Education Program Consultant - Business Management


Kansas WORKS!

Kansas Works Information Booth

Tuesday, March 29, 2011 - 11:00 AM-2:00 PM

Representatives from Kansas Works will be holding an information booth in the Memorial Union on Tuesday, March 29. They will be showcasing their resources for job seekers and will highlight career opportunities in the State of Kansas. No matter your classification or major - Stop By!

Teacher Career Fair - Spring, 2011


MONDAY, APRIL 11, 2011

The Teacher Career Fair provides candidates, inexperienced as well as experienced, a one-stop opportunity to meet face-to-face with a large number of school districts to initiate the application process. This is your opportunity to meet and interview with these representatives! Check out the list of school districts attending at

Junior and senior education majors are highly encouraged to attend! Bring copies of your resume, transcripts are optional. Professional dress recommended.

Career Services
Fort Hays State University
600 Park Street
Hays, KS 67601
Phone: 785-628-4260
Fax: 785-628-4093

Thursday, March 17, 2011

2011 Economics Challenge or Personal Finance Challenge.  

The Kansas Council on Economic Education invites you to participate in the 2011 Economics Challenge or Personal Finance Challenge.  

These FREE Challenges are designed to encourage students to test their knowledge while competing with other Kansas students for the State Championship title, prizes and hopes of moving on to the State and National levels.  All results are kept confidential and only schools qualifying for state in-person competitions are announced. 
. No registration fees to participation in the either the Economics and/or the Personal Finance Challenge.
. Competitions involve a preliminary online test of  with top teams moving on to state in-person competitions.  Travel stipends may be requested and awarded based on budgetary needs.
. Economics Challenge is high school only and has two competition divisions: Beginner (David Ricardo) and Advanced (Adam Smith) so there is no requirement for an economics course. 
. Personal Finance Challenge has a middle school and a high school division.  National competition is for high school team only.
. These programs are great opportunity for students to apply their knowledge, work in teams, have fun, and possibly win a trip to New York City or St. Louis!

These FREE online competitions are open right now but closing dates are coming soon.  Details for each competition can be found by choosing the Kansas competition at each of the website below.  You may participate in one or both if you meet the grade level requirements listed below.

ECONOMICS CHALLENGE (Grades 9-12 only):  - Online competition is open now and closes on, Wednesday, March 30th.  State competition is scheduled for Wednesday, April 13th at Emporia State University.

PERSONAL FINANCE CHALLENGE (Grades 6-12):  - Online competition opens next week and closes on Wednesday, April 6th.  State competitions for middle and high school divisions are scheduled for Wednesday, April 20th at Wichita State University.  

Please contact KCEE if you have any questions that are not addressed on the websites.   If you do not teach economics or personal finance, please forward this to someone in your school that may have an interest in participating. 


Kansas Council on Economic Education
1845 Fairmount, WSU Campus Box 203
Wichita, KS 67260-0203

Monday, March 14, 2011

From KSDE - Regarding Pathway Applications

This is from the office of Kirk Haskins and Gayla Randall:

As we come to the last 36 hours of pathway application, several items have come to my attention through common questions. I thought I would share information to speed up the answering.  The first section is for everyone to read, the last are for those that are still trying to meet the March 15, 2011 midnight deadline.
1. "I released my application and now I don't see it when I look under "My CPPSAs". Where is it?"
ANSWER: CPPSA applications move from one level to another as it passes through the system.  There is a yellow box on the top of the CPPSA opening page.  There are a series of boxes under "Status". The boxes are linked to separate levels/steps the application goes through.  To ALWAYS see your application, click on all of the boxes. If you don't, you won't see it unless the application happens to be at the level/step of the one box you have checked.
2. "When I submit the application when I'm done, will it go directly to KSDE?"
ANSWER: No, each CPPSA goes through two levels of approval. When the application completer (you) is finished, the application goes to your administrator. He/she provides the final submission to KSDE.  Let this second person know when you released the application so they don't miss sending it on.
3. "What happens if I didn't have everything right?  Do I have extra time to finish it after March 15th?"
ANSWER: Yes, you must submit something by March 15th (midnight).  Any missing or incorrect information can be added/changed and resubmitted after that date until approval is received.
4. "What happens if I miss the March 15, 2011 (midnight) deadline?"
ANSWER: Perkins and .5 funding stream will be lost for the 2011-2012 school year, however you can reapply between November 15, 2011 and March 15, 2012 to regain funding for 2012-2013. Contact KSDE if you have problems out of your control regarding the submission of your application before the deadline.
5. "How long will it take before I hear about my CPPSA approval/denial?"
ANSWER: Please allow 6-8 weeks for the reviewing and communication process.  Each CPPSA is reviewed by 2 consultants and the assistant director of CTE before approval/denial is determined.
6. "How will I know what I need to edit or change if my CPPSA is denied?"
ANSWER: The  review process allows for each section to be reviewed and comment given if something is not meeting the requirements for approval.  Additional comments will share what is needed for the approval to be given.  This process of review can be repeated until the application is approved as long as it is completed prior to the final deadline, which is in late spring.
1. "I have mapped my courses, but they aren't showing up in Section III. What's wrong?"
ANSWER: This can mean a variety of things.  1.) Courses are sitting in pending...e-mail me if that is the case sharing your course names and USD #; 2.) courses are sitting in "incorrect" and needs your changes and resubmitted....e-mail me once they are resubmitted with the course names and USD# ; 3.) Courses were mapped as secondary and not CTE to your local data entry person to see if this is the issue to correct; 4.) Courses were mapped to a code that is not on the pathway design sheet....remap each course as a new one, don't change anything already approved in KCCMS, but enter it as a new course using an "effective date" of 7-1-11 which indicates it's for a pathway and the code should be reviewed.
2. " My courses are not coded correctly, can't I submit them incorrectly and then clean it up later?"
ANSWER: No, courses must be approved through KCCMS before showing up in Section III.  If not mapped correctly, courses are  not available in Section III. ONLY course codes on the pathway design sheet will be approved for a pathway.  Code descriptions must also match the code and thus the content of the course.  Using descriptions for currently offered courses may not fit. Review acceptable descriptions by looking under "Kansas Course Codes and Descriptions" found on the opening page of the Human Services career cluster link.  Note the credit value on the pathway design sheet. If you have concerns about these, contact KSDE with your problems.  Note that "sequence" is only for those codes used for more than one course (i.e. dividing a 1.0 credit course into two .5 credit courses...whereas you have a 1 of 2 and 2 of 2 sequence.)  Use sequence of 1 of 1 for all other courses. (This is not a method of tracking course offerings at the local level, it's for indicating the above situation only. ALL technical and application course codes are funded, however introduction level are not funded so marked the funding status appropriately.
3. "I don't have my articulation agreement back from the post-secondary institution. What do I do in Section IV?"
ANSWER: Scan and upload an unsigned copy of the agreement so you can get something submitted by the deadline, knowing you will not be approved, but you will have additional time to obtain the final copy to upload after your  CPPSA  review is completed and sent back to you to correct.
4. "What about year 13 on the Program of Study. Where do I find that?  It's not showing up?"

ANSWER:  Post-secondary courses are not mapped through KCCMS, you will need to type those directly into the CPPSA Program of Study document. Locate the year 13 course information from your post-secondary institution by going to their website and looking at the courses a freshman would take in the degree your articulation agreement is linked to. You do not need to list all courses within the specific academic areas at this time, only the CTE courses.

(Removed is the line …“Be sure to list all the courses in their specific academic areas, not just CTE courses.” )

5. "What if something in the application isn't working or submitting?  Can I skip a section to go to the next one and then go back? Can I do part of the application and then come back later to finish?"
ANSWER: Each section must be saved before you can go to the next section. Once you hit "save", you'll get one of two boxes...the red box means something wasn't completed correctly and then it will list what is incorrect; the green box means everything is good and it will tell you to go to the next section.  Once you get a 'green box', that section is saved and you can leave and come back later.  If you are part way through a section and leave, entered information will be lost.
Each section must be completed in cannot skip one to come back to later. 
IF anything about the entry of information, saving or progress through the application is not working, contact through an e-mail who will answer technical questions in a very quick turnaround time.
6. "Lead instructor's name is not showing up in that section. What do I do?"
ANSWER: Lead instructor drop down box listings is determined by the Licensed Personnel Report. If your districts report is not through the KSDE system as of the date of the CPPSA submission, names will be missing.  You can select "Not Available" and continue the application. This will not keep your application from being disapproved.
7. "Can someone at KSDE review the application before I submit it to see if anything is incorrect?"
ANSWER:  Due to time constraints, CPPSA's cannot be reviewed until after submitted. The important issue is to have the CPPSA submitted by the deadline.  See above answers regarding time given after March 15th to correct missing/inaccurate information.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Regarding 2012 Perkins Reserve Funds

On Thursday, February 10, 2011, a training session to assist districts in completing a Project Abstract for the 2012 Perkins Reserve Competitive Funds will be held.  The session will also be recorded and archived for those unable to participate next Thursday.   

A troubleshooting session will start at 1:30 p.m. on February 10th  for 30 minutes to test the connection before the scheduled meeting at 2:00 p.m.  The session is scheduled for 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.  delivery.  There is a LiveMedia compatibility test session set for Monday, February 7th, from 3:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. for visitors that would like to test their systems with KSDE's. It is  recommended that those unfamiliar with KSDE's LiveMedia read an information document outlining procedures and requirements to access.    Then to ensure that the system is understood, call or connect on Monday to reduce the tech calls that might occur on the event date.  There are two methods in which to access the LiveMedia website and information document.  First method is to go directly to the website,   Second method is to go to the following link: and scroll down to the blue tab, CTE Administrators Update, Viewing KSDE LiveMedia. 

To preview the actual documents outlining the FY 2012 Perkins Reserve Competitive Funds Grant application go to the following website: and scroll down to Rigorous Programs of Study.  There are two documents:  APPLICATION FOR RESERVE COMPETITIVE FUNDS  FY 2012 and Project Abstract.  The first document, Application for Reserve Competitive Funds,  provides a detailed description  about the project and its requirements.  The second document, Project Abstract, is the actual document that will be completed and submitted to our office by March 15, 2011.

There is no registration for the LiveMedia presentation on Thursday, February 10, 2011.  All interested parties are welcome. 

If there are questions about the FY 2012 Perkins Reserve Competitive Funds, please contact Karmey Olson at 785-296-2883 or

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Message from KSDE Regarding 2011 SEET Tech Workshop

Bill Nash, Dean of Technical Education, Barton Community College sent to share with you and colleagues who may be interested..see below.

This workshop allows high school teachers and  community college faculty an opportunity to visit the National Renewable Energy Lab where they will attend presentations and discussions with the research scientists working at the lab.  They also will participate in group projects involving the development of high school and community college sustainable energy curriculum. This is an unbelievable opportunity for a High School science or technical  teachers. and it's FREE.


The Advanced Technology Environmental and Energy Center (ATEEC, at announces that applications are now open for the 2011 SEET Workshop, June 12 - 24, 2011 at the Center for Energy Research Institute at the Colorado School of Mines in Golden, CO.

The annual SEET Workshops are funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation (DUE#0902309) and currently developed through a partnership among ATEEC, Colorado School of Mines, Eastern Iowa Community College District, and the Partnership for Environmental Technology Education. Current high school and two-year college energy technology instructors from across the U.S. are invited to apply. Twenty-five (25) instructors will be selected to attend and will receive a stipend to assist with completion of workshop activities. Most expenses are covered for participants by the grant. Additional details and the workshop application are available on the ATEEC Web site at

The primary goal of the SEET Technology Workshop project is to build the capacity of energy technicians to meet the challenges of sustainable energy in the 21st century workplace through ten-day intensive annual workshops at research facilities. Eligible workshop participants are energy technology instructors at upper level high school and community college levels. Workshop content experts will share knowledge about research advances in energy technology, requirements for technicians, and implications for a sustainable energy future. Instructors who participate in the workshops will be connected and supported by an active online network and workshop follow-up support. Sustainable energy knowledge will be further extended to additional technology instructors through events coordinated by workshop participants in their home communities.

The 2011 workshop will focus on energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies. The workshop will provide hands-on, inquiry-based lab experiences; take-home equipment and training; and site visits and field work assisted by partners of the hosting institutions. The workshop participants will team to identify and develop teaching and learning strategies and materials to share with high school and two-year college educators through ATEEC's energy resource clearinghouse.

Send your application and two letters of reference by March 18, 2011 as directed on the application. (Please note that late or incomplete applications may not receive full consideration.) Questions not answered on the ATEEC Web site ( may be directed to the SEET Program Coordinator at

Kirk Haskins
Kirk Haskins, MBA, BA
Education Program Consultant - Business Management


Friday, January 28, 2011

From KSDE Regarding WorkReady....

Important information for those participating in the WorkReady! Certificate project (Kansas Career & Technical Education Industry-Recognized Certifications and Credentials Project), for students:

KSDE and the Department of Commerce are working together to provide you and your students the best experience for this important project.  It is our recommendation that the Department of Commerce Regional Operations Managers (ROM) administer and proctor the ACT WorkKeys assessments for students to earn the Kansas WorkReady! Certificate.
It is critical that each school district and ROM mutually agree when and how the assessments are scheduled.
The timeline for this project is the following:
. January - March, 2011 - Assessment of ACT WorkKeys & Registration in KansasWorks
. April - May, 2011 - Score data to Commerce Regional Managers (ROM); Award Kansas WorkReady! Certificates
. Consider a ceremony for certificate holders to include students, parents, HS teacher/administrators, community leaders, local Chamber representatives

Resources related to this project are posted at: For the entire range of certifications and credentials (ie. Kansas WorkReady! and others) through this project, please review the "10-11 CTE Certifications & Credentials" document.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Robin Harris, KSDE, at


Thursday, January 20, 2011

Competitive Reserve Funds Grant application - Now Available

The Competitive Reserve Funds Grant application is now available at:, under the sub-heading Rigorous Programs of Study.

The KSDE project goal for the Reserve Competitive Funds is for districts to design and implement a Rigorous Program of Study in at least one cluster/pathway using emerging technologies, for use as a state-wide model.  Each proposed RPOS will follow the Program of Study Design Framework  ten (ten) components.  The framework and  components are located at: 

There are two documents available for your use:  Application for Reserve Competitive Funds and Project Abstract.  Application for Reserve Competitive Funds provides a description of the project and the requirements for completing the final application.  Each interested applicant must complete a Project Abstract to be considered for participation in the Reserve Competitive Funds Rigorous Program of Study Project.  A Reserve Competitive Funds ITV Workshop has been scheduled for Thursday, February 10, 2011 from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

A timeline for year one Reserve Competitive Funds - Rigorous Programs of Study is as follows:

Grant Application Released- Thursday, January 20, 2011

Grant Application Training - Thursday, February 10, 2011

Abstract Proposal Due - Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Accepted Applicants Notified - Friday, April 1, 2011

Final Applications Due - Wednesday, June 15, 2011

POS's are viewed as being key to educational reform.  States and LEA's must adopt rigorous college and career readiness standards that define what students are expected to know and be able to do to enter and advance in college, their careers or both.  The Reserve Competitive Funds Rigorous Program of Study Project provides an opportunity for districts to form partnerships while creating innovative strategies to enhance the learning environment for the students of Kanas.

Inquiries should be made to Karmey Olson, or 785-296-2883.  If unavailable, leave a message with Bev Smith, Senior Administrative Assistant at 785-296-1978.

Teacher Mock Interviews


Friday, February 4, 2011

Take the fear out of interviewing by participating in Teacher Mock Interview Day! Several district Superintendents and school Principals from the area will be on-campus to conduct practice interviews for ALL education majors. This provides an excellent opportunity to practice your interviewing skills, network with school districts, and assess strengths and weaknesses while gaining valuable interviewing experience! All junior & senior education majors are highly encouraged to participate.

To reserve a time slot stop by Career Services, Sheridan Hall 214, or call 628-4260. You may also sign-up online through your Careers for Tigers account. Participants in the Teacher Mock Interview Day are encouraged to dress professionally and have a resume prepared.

Career Services
Fort Hays State University
600 Park Street
Hays, KS 67601
Phone: 785-628-4260
Fax: 785-628-4093